With the morning approaching a sharp breeze of cold visited me. I had no choice but to put my jacket on. After my morning routine I thought to myself - it is time to visit a hostel. And in this very moment a song started to play in my head - "One more night"... And convinced me to try one more night outside...
Bolo 9 hodín ráno a ja som začal po prvý krát serióznejšie stopovať. Za hranicami v tú dobu bolo áut velmi poskromne. Avšak po chvíľke sa prvé objavili. Prebehol som na pravú stranu cesty a začal nesmelo stopovať. Niekoľko áut preletelo okolo a cítil som sa jemne odmietnutý. Ale... je to predsa len hra čísel! Hm? ... Zrazu presvišťalo auto cez moje zorné pole. A za dalších 30 metrov zastavilo. Začalo sa vracať. Po mňa! :) Evidentne - vodič sa rozmyslel :) Super!
It was 9 AM and I started to hitchhike for the first time in a more consistent manner. The cars were very scarce behind the state border. But after a short while I saw some first coming. I crossed the road to the right side and started to hitchhike - timidly. Couple of cars have left me behind and I felt slightly rejected. But... it`s just a number game! Hm? ... Suddenly a car flashed by me. Stopped after 30 meters and started to return. To get me! :) Apparently, the driver has changed his mind :) Super Trooper!
Bola to sympatická pani z okolnej dediny. Po anglicky bohužial nevedela ani mäkké "F". A tak som lovil všetky nemecké slová z hlbín mojej pamäti, ktoré som kedy zachytil kukaním nemeckých reklám v televízii :) Ona ma oproti svojmu pôvodnému plánu vzala ďalej - do Rötzu. Ušetrila mi 20 kilometrov cesty. A týmto pádom, som bol na mojom dennom pláne. 50 kilákov za deň. A teda, vo francúzskom Lamastri budem za 22 dní od štartu samotnej cesty.
It was a very nice lady from a surrounding village. Unfortunately, she spoke no English at all. So, I was desperate for any german word, which I ever picked up in the german commercials on the TV :) She has slightly changed her route and drove me as far as - Rötz. She saved me 20 kilometres of walking. In this moment I was more or less in line with the plan of my journey. 50 kilometers per day. Hence, I should get in the french town of Lamastre in 22 days from the journey start.
Rötz je krásne malé bavorské mestečko. Obrovská zmena oproti čechám. Vyumelkované záhradky. Všade malé ornamenty. Popínavé rastliny. Evidentne, si každý jeden majiteľ domu dá obrovsky záležať, aby jeho dom aj so záhradkou boli v tom najlepšom stave. Po malom obdivovaní sa obzerám po autobusovej zastávke. A naraz ma oslovuje muž so ženou. Z ničoho nič vybehli zo šedého auta. Vravím si - akí milí ľudia :) ... len tak ma oslovujú na ulici.. Nuž, ale... Sú to policajti v civile. Trošku ma zamrazilo - čo vlastne chcú?? Že im mám ukázať doklady. Vyťahujem pas... Našťastie, vedia trošku po angliky. A pýtajú sa ma - prečo som prišiel do Nemecka? Vravím - Cestujem. Začínajú študovať môj pas...
Rötz is a beautiful little Bavarian town. A huge difference to the Czech Republic. The gardens like from the magazines. Ornaments. Everywhere. The climbing plants. Apparently, each and every owner of the house takes extreme care so that his house along with the garden is in its best condition possible. After admiring the houses I am looking for a bus stop. And in that instant a guy with a woman approach me. They have just got out of a grey car there. I think to myself - what a nice people :) ... initiating conversations on the street.. But... They are the plainclothes cops. I froze for a moment - what the hell do they want?? To see my papers. I took out my passport... Fortunately, they speak a little English. And they inquire why did I come to Germany? So, I respond - I just travel. They start checking my passport...
A ďalej, muž-policajt sa ma pýta...: Že či mám dosť peňazí, aby som tu mohol žiť? Áno! A koľko ich mám? Som trošku znervóznel. A že nech mu ich ukážem. To sa mi teda vôbec nechce, amigo! A tak mu vravím: prečo by som to mal robiť? Je to dôležité? Naliehal - Áno... Tak nakoniec, mu ukazujem polovicu peňazí, čo mám v príručnej peňaženke. A on, len letmo zahliadok kúsok papierových bankoviek a je spokojný. Vďaka bohu...
Consequently, the guy-cop asks me...: Do I have enough money to live in this country? Of course! And how much money do I have? That made me a little nervous. And he wants to see it. I am absolutely not happy about that, amigo! So I say, "and why should I do that? Is that important?" He was urging me - "Yes"... So at last, I show him half of the money which I wear in my pocket wallet. He just catches a glimpse of the paper money and is satisfied. Thank God...
A ako odchádzali, tak mi ešte vraví - "Nie je až tak zima..." A vtedy mi to trklo. Asi ma zastavili najmä preto, že som bol naobliekaný jak snehuliak ešte z chladného hraničného prechodu. A k tomu veľký batoh na chrbte. A tiež možno celá tá šaramáda s utečencami - ostražitosť. Museli byť niečo ako pohraničná stráž. No nič... Inak celý čas som si vravel, že nebudem vyrábať problémy. Na druhej strane však, budem si chrániť svoju osobnú integritu.
And as they have been leaving, the male cop tells me - "It is not that cold." And it hit me. They have stopped me probably because I was dressed from head to toe in winter clothes. The border crossing was very cold. And a big bag on my back. And possibly the whole immigrant fear issue - everybody alert. They must have been some kind of border patrol. Well, anyway... I am not looking for a touble. But on the other hand, I will defend my integrity.
Potom vychádzam z Rötzu a opäť stopujem. Chcem proste nahnať kilometre naviac. Nemecko nie je krajinou, kde chcem tráviť vela času. Chcem ho rýchlo prejsť! I keď je pravda, že toto Bavorsko je veľmi krásne. Tie dedinky... Na strmej ceste do kopca stopujem staršieho pána. V aute sa bavíme o rôznych veciach. Vie po anglicky. Popisujem mu svoju cestu. A vraví mi, že Švajčiarko je velmi drahé. Výborne!!! Ak je pre nemca Švajčiarsko drahé, tak čo potom pre mňa?! :) Zaumienil som si teda, že do penziónu pôjdem ešte v Nemecku a Švajčiarsko presvištím, ako najrýchlejšie ľudsky možné. Idea je, že penzión dám v mestečku Ulm. Kde si vysuším veci a trošku si užijem. Okúsim slávne bavorské pivo. Keď už som v tom bavorsku... Moje myšlienky prerušila konečná zastávka - Brück.
After that, I get out of Rötz and start to hitchhike again. I just want to cover more kilometers. Germany is not a country where I want to spend much time. I just want to cross it, fast! Although the truth being that Bavaria is very charming. The little villages... On a steeper road an older man picks me up. We talk about different things in the car. He speaks English. So I tell him about my journey. And he tells me that Switzerland is very expensive. My god! If the country is expensive for a German than what about me ?! :) So I decided that I go to a hostel in Germany and cross Switzerland as fastest as humanly possible. The idea is I sleep in a hostel in the town of Ulm. And here I dry my clothes and enjoy myself for a bit. I will taste the famous bavarian beer. Being here, in Bavaria... My thoughts were interrupted by my final stop - Brück.
Oukej. Stačilo stopovania pre dneskajšok. Mierim von z mesta podľa navigačného plánu na papieri a vidím malý supermarket s potravinami. Väčšina týchto nemeckých obchodov je spojená s malou kaviarňou, kde sa predáva pečivo. A je to pre mňa jasné. Je čas zastaviť sa na chvílu a oddýchnuť si. Jednoznačne. Po štyroch dňoch cestovania. Spania mimo civilizáciu. Jedenia cereálnych tyčiniek a chia semienok. Vstupujem do obchodu s potravinami a vyberám si sladké figy. Sadám si do priľahlej kaviarničky.
OK. Enough of hitchhiking for one day. I start to walk out of the town according to my journey plan and see a little grocery store. There is a smal café where they sell pastry in most of these german grocery stores. It is very clear for me now. It`s time to stop and relax for a while. Definitely. After four days of traveling. Sleeping outside of civilisation. Eating cereal bars and chia seeds. I enter the store and pick sweet figs. I sit in the little café besides.
Tam si objednávam cappuccino. Je to to najlepšie pitie na svete! :) Tá chuť. To teplo kaviarne. Tá pohoda a kľud. Ďalej si k tomu dávam dve super žemle a nejaký závin... A vidím... Že, keď si človek odoprie výdobytky civilizácie. Žije chvíľu v prírode. A potom sa navráti. Tak je vďačný, za všetko. Za maličkosti. Za teplo, za ľudí, za rohlík. A taký rohlík - Koľko práce to dá jednému človeku ... vyrobiť jeden rohlík? ... Musí zasadiť obilie. Počkať kým vyrastie. Pomlieť ho na múku. A to nehovorím o dalších ingredienciách. Kvások, soľ, olej. Potom samozrejme zmiešať, nechať nakvasiť a upiecť. V nejakej peci. Prepraviť do obchodu. A až potom si ho môžeme užiť.... No a v civilizovanej spoločnosti si ho človek kúpi za 2 české koruny. Za 15 centov v bavorsku... Vidím, že dokým človeku nie sú veci vzané. Dokým si veci na chvíľu neodoprie. Tak nevidí to, čo všetko v skutočnosti má.
I order cappuccino. It is the best drink in the world! :) These flavors and the cozy warmth of the café. The peace and tranquility. Furthermore, I order 2 super bagels and a cake roll... And I see...When the comforts of the civilisation are witheld from you. And you live in the nature for a while. And then you return. You are grateful. For everything. For little things. For the warmth, for people, for a breadroll. And such a breadroll - How much work does it take for one person ... to make one breadroll? ... He has to plant the grains. Wait till it grows up. Mill it to flour. And I`m not talking about the other ingredients. Yeast, salt, oil. Then he has to mix the dough, let it ferment and bake it. In some oven. Transport it to the shop. And only after all that we can enjoy it... And so you can buy it for 2 CZK in a civilised society. For 15 cents in Bavaria... I see that until somebody takes things away from you. Until you are witheld gifts of civilisation for a while. You do not see, what you really really have.
Podobné je to, keď na chvíľu ochorieme. Alebo si zlomíme nohu a nemôžeme sa hýbať. Vtedy vidíme, čo všetko sme mali. A neoceňovali to. Zdravie. Mobilitu. Bez nášho tela, nespravíme nič.
The situation gets similar when we get sick. Or we break a leg and cannot move. In that moment we see, all the good things we had. And didn`t appreciate. Health. Mobility. Without our body we can do nothing.
Počas života v meste som sa dostal až do bodu, keď som bol absolútne znechutený zo všetkého a každého. Z civilizácie. Z môjho života. Zo stereotypov a zaužívaného chovania. Z toho, ako sa neskutočne plýtva. - Čo som mohol vidieť z prvej ruky pri večerných dokladaniach v supermarketoch... A teraz, v tomto momente, ako tu sedím po štyroch dňoch prírodného žitia na cestách a v lesoch... Teraz, som vďačný za každý odvoz autom, za každý rohlík, za každú minútu tepla.
During my city life I have got to a point when I was disgusted by everything and everyone. By the society. My life. The stereotypes and socially approved behavior. By the incredible wasting of food. - Which I had a chance to see firsthand when I was filling the counters of the big food stores overnights... And now, in this moment, as I sit here after 4 nights of natural living on the roads and in the forests... Now, I am grateful for every car that drives me, for every breadroll, for every minute of warmth.
Kolotoč myšlienok beží na plný prúd. Príde mi, že my, ľudia, ako civilizácia - sme schopní takých krásnych vecí. Technológií, systémov, umenia. Že máme tak vymakaný systém naplňovania základných potrieb, až sme sa v ňom stratili... Až sme prestali byť vďační. Až sme prestali vidieť, že toto všetko sú dary Zeme. A my ich prijímame. Nevytvárame ich. Len transformujeme. A tým ovplyvňujeme Zem samotnú. Ale.., sme schopní a veľmi šikovní. A myslím si, že Zem to vidí. Nezatracuje nás. Pretože sme jej plnohodnotnou súčasťou. Jej deti. Ona to vie... A nestane sa, že sa vrátime do jaskýň. Ale stane sa to, že začneme byť vďační. Začneme oceňovať všetky plody, ktoré nám Zem dáva. Zase sa s ňou spojíme. A budeme žiť s ohľadom na ňu, na seba a všetky jej dalšie deti.
The rolercoster of thoughts is running at full speed. I see that we, the people, as civilisation - we are capable of such beautiful things. Technologies, systems, arts. Our system of fulfilling of our basic needs is so accomplished, so sophisticated that we have become lost in it... We have forgotten to be grateful. We have stopped to see that all of this are the gifts of the Earth. And we receive them. We don`t create them. We merely transform them. And thus we influence the Earth itself. But... we are smart and very clever. And I think the Earth sees it. She doesn`t damn us. Because we are her fully-fledged parts. Her children. And She knows it... And we will not return to the caves. But what happens is that we will become grateful. We will become grateful for all Earth`s gifts. We are going to connect with Her again. And we are going to live with respect to her, ourselves and all of Her other children.
Po tomto uvažovaní sa neskôr poberám preč z kaviarne a hľadám si v lese za mestom miesto na spanie. Dnes všetko ako po masle. A videl som, že vďačnosť je velmi silná emócia. Cítim sa bohatý. Milovaný. A s týmito príjemnými pocitmi pri srdci, zaspávam...
After this brainstorm I slowly leave the café and look for a place to sleep in the forest behind the town. Today, all goes smoothly. And I see that gratitude is a very powerful emotion. I feel rich. Loved. And feeling this warm at heart, I fall asleep...
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